Monday, March 1, 2010

Don’t Shit Where You Eat

So, now I have to break up with Patrick for kicking the cab. Well, it’s not just for the mere act of kicking the cab, but also for what it represented. It told me a lot about him. I truly saw his temper, and I know I don’t like a short temper. Then I saw that he played it off like it was a joke or something small. His mood instantaneously went from hot-tempered to sweet and endearing. It showed me that he cannot control his emotions and lost it in front of a woman who he is still trying to impress. He never apologized.

But remember now, he’s still my patient. So, this is very bad. It’s not like I can make a clean break. I have to see him again!


Then there’s the question of how to break up. I normally prefer to take the high road and speak to the person face to face. But in this case, I was a little afraid of him. I saw his temper and didn’t want him to take it out on me if he became very angry. Kicking a cab is one thing. Kicking me is another!

I couldn’t do it over the phone because he’s deaf and cannot use the phone.


I couldn’t do it online because that is just so cold.


… … Or could I?

I thought about this a lot. I really wanted to do the right thing. So, please don’t judge, but I did it over email. I know. I know it seems cold. But at the time I felt I had no other choice.

Hey, at least I didn’t break it to him via text message, the way Brittany Spears broke up with Kevin!

He took it pretty well, thank goodness. I suggested he see someone else for his next visit. But he declined. He only wanted to see me. Perhaps I should have refused. But I couldn’t get it out. Guess I was just feeling too guilty about what I’d just done.

So, his next professional visit was awkward, to say the least. But he didn’t confront me and we never spoke about the blue elephant in the room.

We actually stayed in touch since then, on a professional basis only. But they make rules for a reason…

Don’t shit where you eat!

1 comment:

  1. This morning I almost fell off my chair when I read the title of today's blog :). I don't know why I am addicted to your blog. You should write a book, and then a movie of your life in NYC.

    Who needs to watch Sex in the City when you have the Blue Shoes Manhattan Blog?
