Last summer I travelled to San Francisco with my nephew, Gavrel, to another one o those singles conferences. Can you imagine? I baptized my baby nephew and I went to singles events with his older brother Itzik, and now I’m going with Gavrel. I don’t mind really. He doesn’t mind. We get along. So it works. I love him.
Turns out Malice was going to be there as well. Actually, she’d contacted me prior to the event. We’d planned on meeting each other there. Now, this is literally years after the Puerto Rico and Miami debacles. So, don’t judge.
As previously mentioned, Malice is an attorney. She is few inches shorter than me; dark straight hair, dark skin, red red lips, long long red red dragon lady nails, brown gums, cigarette hanging out of her mouth, raspy voice, bad breath. Sort of the anti-BueShoesManhattan. But somehow, people think we look alike. Not a compliment, for me anyway. (She’s a little scary intimidating.)
The first night on the trip, Malice contacted Gavrel and me when she arrived. She was going to be alone, so we invited her to meet us for dinner at the hotel when she got settled. It looked like we were going to be spending time with her since she was on her own and so were we. It wasn’t a bad idea. At least I’d have someone to hang out with if Gavrel found friends his age at the conference.
So, we all hung out the rest of that night. The following day, we had breakfast and decided to do some sight seeing. We were going to go with Malice, since she’d been in San Francisco before. The three of us had a really nice day. We all met at the dance later that night.
During the dance, Malice excused herself to have a cigarette. She’d been gone a while. Meanwhile, Gavrel was meeting new friends, which was great. But I was pretty much alone. There was really no one else my age at this thing.
I texted Malice. She told me she’d met a gorgeous Australian lawyer in the elevator and was having drinks with him at the hotel bar.
I didn’t see her the rest of the night.
Next morning Malice came to breakfast. Told us all about her night and the gorgeous Australian lawyer. He seemed too good to be true. He didn’t seem like he really existed. She had plans with him later that day, but would go sight seeing with us again today. So, we were making plans for the day. We were on our way out of the hotel when Malice’s cell phone rang. She answered. Then she told us to wait for her to be off the phone.
Twenty minutes later… she returned. “It was the gorgeous Australian Lawyer. He wants to spend the day with me. He needs help with something in his room. I’m going up. But wait for us. I will introduce you to him when we come down.”
I waiting because I wanted to see if this guy really existed.
Thirty minutes later…
Malice and the gorgeous Australian lawyer came walking over, arm-in-arm.
I thought, “Wow! He WAS gorgeous! I guess he IS real. Why does he like HER??”
We met. He had a fabulous Australian accent. They left. Arm-in-arm. And I never saw Malice again, the rest of the trip.
That night, at the party, I was pretty much on my own. Bored. Gavrel had made plans with the new friends he made. I was happy for him.
But sad for me. I kinda had no one to hang out with.
Déjà vu.
Dumped again by Malice. Why am I not surprised?
The only consolation was Malice had stayed on in San Francisco a night longer than we did. When she returned home, she called me. On her and her gorgeous Australian Lawyer’s last day in San Francisco, he pretty much dumped her. But she’d never admit to it. She just said that he was busy all day, then rang her up for a booty call like 20 minutes before he left for the airport.
Payback is a bitch.
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