So as I said I started the new job. Traveling. A new city each week. Was in Indianapolis this week. Hope I never need to go back. I actually couldn't wait to leave there yesterday after 3 days.
Here's how it went down. I was in my training all morning. Checked in online the night before. I got an email on my Blackberry saying something about my flight during the meeting. But you know, I didn't pay attention to it. I just figured it was a message confirming my flight or something. I was in a meeting. So. I ignored it. Right?
My co-worker, Yetta, had rented a car. We were to drive together to the airport for our similar flights. Mine to NYC. Her’s to Charlotte, NC.
Of course we got lost on route. So when we were finally on course we were in a mad rush. We dropped off the rental car and made a mad dash to the gate. I glanced at the departure board on the way. Flight 5988 to LaGuardia. Hmmm. There it is.
I went up to the desk. “Here’s your boarding pass, first class, for tomorrow morning’s six AM flight. You can stay at any one of these hotels tonight.”
“What? Why? What happened?”
“Flight’s been cancelled due to weather.”
I don’t know. There was some kind of storm back in New York. Well, needless say, this really sucked. But I had to suck it up. I called one of the hotels. Got there. Checked in. Sulked for a while. Then ordered room service.
I ate for three people. Pizza, salad, buffalo wings, and a coke. No wonder I’ve gains five pounds since I started this fokacta job.
Later, with an upset stomache, I broke out my Blackberry and started writing this. Thus the typos. Went to bed early, so I could wake up at 3:30 AM to make my 6 AM flight.
First class was great. But nothing’s ever perfect, right? The guy next to me snored the entire flight. So, so much for first class.
In the words of Dorothy, while clicking her stiletto ruby slippers, "There’s no place like home."
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