I knew I was going to probably gain a couple of lbs. with this new job. I mean, it’s only natural. I would be traveling a lot and therefore, eating out often. Then, you know, whenever you have a lifestyle change, your weight can fluctuate.
I just didn’t anticipate gaining so much so soon.
My first week on the job, I wore my True Religion ‘Billy’ jeans on the plane. You know the ones, with the white stitching? They’ve always been snug. But I bought them that way. I like my jeans tight. I mean, there’s nothing worse than a baggy jean. You gotta buy them a little snug so when they stretch out, they look perfect. Well, as you may know, True Religions are $$. But I’m willing to pay it because they make my bum look terrific. They are my favorite jeans.
So, I wore them to my first business trip, along with my denim Gap vest. A really cute outfit, if I must say. That was Sunday. By Thursday, those suckers were so tight, that I couldn’t breath. And my muffin top was workin over time!
But I wasn’t worried because I figured I’d lose it back as soon as I got home. I didn’t weigh myself when I got home.
I also made sure I didn’t wear those jeans to another business trip.
But that was not my only trip. I was traveling every other week all summer long. And I kinda felt like I was on vacation. So, you know how you eat when you’re on vacation? You over indulge, right? You try new foods from different cities. I mean, why deprive yourself of the experience?
I wasn’t exercising because I was afraid I’d hurt my back while away from home. So, I was eating more and sitting a lot.
Then, my back went out. It was so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed to eat anything or buy anything to eat. So I lost back a few. However, once the back was better and I was up and running again, I made up for lost time. So whatever I lost during my incapacitation, I gained back. And then some. I thought. But I wouldn’t weigh my self, so I didn’t know for sure. My clothes still fit. So, what, they were a little snug.
I was trying on dresses for a wedding last week. Some of the dresses that had fit nicely when I got them were really unwearable. What? How could that be? I was going to just have to wear the one that I could push myself into!
Never a good sign.
And the True Religion ‘Billy’ jeans were now a disaster!
So I decided to do the unthinkable.
Get on the scale.
Could it be right?
I was almost 10 pounds up.
I’d been there before, but never wanted to go back. And there I was.
I really actually look good. I kinda like a more voluptuous frame. But then I can’t wear my fabulous clothes! And that’s just out of the question.
Back to the old drawing board. I’ve been working at it all week. Let’s see what the outcome is when I get on the scale on Saturday.
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