I miss my Poppy.
He passed five years ago.
We were very close.
I will never be the same.
My heart is broken.
On one of the days following his passing, I looked up to the sky. Asking for a sign, that my Pop was near. It was a cloudy, rainy night. Then, all of a sudden, I saw a lightening bolt.
“Huh? Could that have been the sign?” I thought. “Probably.” But I could not be sure. It didn’t seem like a miracle had just happened. I mean, if one did, wasn’t it supposed to be a bit more dramatic than that? I thought it, saw it, looked around. Wondered. Thought about it some more. And it was over.
Days later, friends came to call, as they had been during the days after the fateful day.
My friend’s child had passed months prior. She said that she’d asked her daughter for a sign following her passing. She asked that if her daughter was there, let her see a blue butterfly. And then she went on with her day.
Minutes later, she passed a store, where she saw a blue butterfly picture in the storefront window. She had received her sign. After that, every time she saw a blue butterfly, she felt it meant that her daughter’s spirit was near.
So I asked her, “Was the lightening bolt I saw a sign? Or was it just a coincidence because it was raining?”
My friend replied, “It was a sign. So, it was rainy. The sign has to come from somewhere.”
A day or two after their visit, Sookie was downstairs, in the basement, looking for something at my Poppy’s work table. He was in the middle of working on a few things when he fell ill. On his desk was a picture…
… of a blue butterfly.
We accepted the sign.
I miss my Poppy.
But when I see a blue butterfly, I know that he is near. Watching over us. Protecting us. Comforting us.
And then I know…
Everything’s gonna be alright.
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